I certainly love this ( \/) much much more than I could love any city.
And after some tasty lunch and caffeination,
we tried to make some space for the creative juices to do their thing (in honor of Emily, of course) .
This was more difficult for me than I imagined it would be. I had to take my sheet of paper from empty to art. I think I worry less about how precise/inspired/good my creations are when they also serve some very utilitarian purpose ("Who cares if the seam isn't quite straight, it's a new bag?" type of mindset). I'm pretty sure I'm ok with that though. I definitely tried to assuage some of Hannah's self-induced pressure, reminding her that you have to let yourself practice and be ok with creating the worst crap in the world (a la Natalie Goldberg - she says it better, for sure), but I had too-high hopes for my blank white sheet as well. It's good to be aware of this in myself, but if I'd rather knit a garter stitch scarf in a plane ride or sew a skirt in half an hour, why in the world would I try to convince myself not to? Maybe once I've "mastered" these I'll have more reason to expand my horizons, but it seems silly to force such things. I do think challenging myself to take blank-ness to something-ness via elementary school watercolors was worthy... Perhaps I'm contradicting myself.
In other news, as I tried to put into words the ins and outs of creating and its effects on me, it dawned on me what a luxury this is. My worries are so minimal that I can not only spend time making things just for the hell of it, but I can then spend additional time writing about it. Perspective, I do love it when you show up at just the right time.
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