Friday, May 14, 2010

Office Inspiration

One of the (many many) benefits of my impending move is the increase in square footage available (it would be harder to go smaller - not counting the ((small)) kitchen and ((small)) bathroom, my apartment is roughly 8' x 15'). I've been thinking about politely requesting a small office-type space for photo work, sewing, crafting, etc.

A quick Apartment Therapy search ("office," of course) brought up some lovely ideas:

Apologies for my wretched blog manners. I closed the tabs before I could credit the images. They came from all over, but all discovered at Apartment Therapy.

It appears the equation for a beautiful office is something like awesome furniture (plus) white (plus) great lighting (plus) charming accessories (minus) clutter. A few of those are issues for me, but the last one is especially a doozy. It helps me to imagine all of these have piles of fabric, paper, cords, and books just outside the edge of the image.

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